Sunday 10 July 2011

How do you measure the effectiveness of the program?

Monitoring the effectiveness of the program plays an important role in ensuring the program is carried out accordingly and any problems have to be resolved immediately to prevent any contamination from cleaning materials.

1. Supervise cleaning routines
A supervisor should be employed to ensure the cleaning program to run smoothly.
The supervisor can prepare a cleaning routine to enhance the clarity of how the program should be run.
Having a routine will help to ensure tasks are completed by specific people and if there is any problem, the supervisor knows who to look for and wont cause chaos.

2. Check completion of cleaning task against master cleaning schedule
After every task is completed, a check list is required to check every area of duty is completed.
This task can be done by the supervisor. This record should be kept . This will help to prevent problems like being forgetful to check certain areas or tasks.

3. Modify master schedule to reflect changes
If any problems appear, changes have to be made to the master schedule ensuring the problem has a solution and all aspects of information related to the cleaning program has to be updated.

4. Request employee input
Meetings should be held regularly and in these meetings, employee should provide feedback and suggest possible solutions for any problems.

5. Conduct spot inspections
Spot inspections can be conducted to ensure the program is being followed. These spot inspections should be random and can be done by higher authorities and taking into account every minor details.


  1. The blog is good that it is very detailed and informative. This particular post on measuring the effectiveness of cleaning programs is well done in that it gives readers a checklist of what to look out for when creating cleaning programs.

    However, the other posts to me were too wordy and tiring to read. The background and different fonts used are distracting and should be changed to allow viewers to concentrate on the information put up.

    Desmond Shen A10J2

  2. Blog provides good information for the readers and has pictures and a video to further backup the details given. Some post are too wordy, the words should be spaced out a little more and pictures should be added. Different posts has different font sizes, it will be better if all the font sizes are all the same.

    Sook Yee, A10J2

  3. It is true that the person in charge of the program make sure that the cleaning program runs smoothly. For the program to be effective, a good and diligent supervisor is needed to do the job. This is to make sure that no employee is slacking and everyone plays a part in this program.
    This post is give a good example on how to measure the effectiveness of the cleaning and sanitation program.
    However, this post does not give the explanations on why this program is important. This can make the post more informative and clear explanations.

    Siti Nadiah, A10J2

  4. Good depth to information. Certain terms seem too general. Background is distracting..

    Matt Sekiya

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Good explanations on the effectiveness of the cleaning programs, it will be better if pictures (that reflects positive actions) are included to give readers a better understanding of the situation. Plus, conducting spot inspections is one good way, however, where the dirty spots/ places that requires daily/ frequent inspections were not included. Thank you!
    ~Eunice, J2.
