Monday 30 May 2011

Types of Hand Soaps

Hand soaps nowadays mostly comes with anti-microbials in them. This is because hand soaps in the past only used to have no anti-microbials in it.So the soaps are just used for washing hands to remove stains only. The manufacturers of hand soaps decided to add anti-microbial agents due to the fact that governments around the world wanted people to have a more good personal hygiene as there are too many cases of foodborne illnesses last time and the hand soaps are not that efficient enough to remove microbes from the hands

There are different type of hand soaps available in the market now.Usually the cheaper hand soaps have less anti-microbials in them therefore it is not as efficient as others.This is because some anti-microbial agents are much more expensive as compared to anti-microbial agents that are cheaper but less efficient.

One such soap that has a good reputation is Dettol Hand wash.This soap has a stronger anti-microbial agents as compared to the cheaper hand soaps.This soap is always used in the household or schools because it is to give a proper hygiene standard to the people around.

There are other types of good hand soaps in the market as well.These hand soaps also have good anti-microbial agents in their ingredient list.So do look out for these type of hand soaps when shopping for hand soaps :)


  1. Blog had a lot of facts and examples, however may have been too factual and may not have been effective in keeping the reader's attention for long.

  2. Very informative, but as i scroll down to read your older post, it gets a little too draggy and boring. Maybe you could compile everything into 2 long post? So it's easier to read. More pictures would be nice.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Great display of pictures, esp on the Dettol. It will be better if you could also state what are the microbes present on our hands. Also, due to advance in technology and the health consciousness of humans have increased, now there are anti-microbial agents present in non-soap hand wash. (Soap products contain alkali which will damage and cause our skin to become drier) Portable hand sanitizers, that evaporates quickly, also contain them. Thanks!:)
    ~ Eunice, J2.

  5. Good point, able to explain and give example. It would be better if shorten the post and bring out the main points.

    Joreen Tan

  6. First of all, I would say that this blog is very informative, however, readers nowadays like something that is both informativeand interesting, a blog that's easy to digest but contains solid learning points. However, this blog is done in a way that is too factual and the colours of the background are too distracting. Also, some information(the soap part) is explained in too much detail but is not very relevant to the assignment. Also, there is a lack of focus in the chosen establishment of choice. Another point to consider is grouping all the advantages and disadvantages together so that the blog is more organized.
    Desmond Shen, A10J2

  7. Very informative, but as i scroll down to read your older post, it gets a little too draggy and boring. Maybe you could compile everything into 2 long post? So it's easier to read. More pictures would be nice.

    Zijing, Grp 3

  8. Many good points and pictures to illustrate the information provided.
    By: Sook Yee

  9. Very informative and detailed, however, the post is too draggy and some points are not relevant. Background is also kinda distracting. Good job though

    Yuexin, Grp 3

  10. like the rest have said. informative but very draggy. it's kinda a chore to read everything in depth. however, good effort for researching in depth and posting this much.
